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Storytelling honors the ancestors, informs our present, and inspires our legacies. Because of this, We are excited to present a life affirming story from Master Storyteller Mother Zulu.

JOIN US THURSDAY, FEB 10, 12:00PM-1:00PM for a youth lead performance. The young artists of the Irreducible Grace Foundation (IGF) are sharing their reflections of "Black History for the Black Future".

Presented by Irreducible Grace Foundation (IGF) A non-profit focused on creating safe spaces with youth of color. IGF provides mentoring, life skills, employment, self-care practices, and safe space for teens and young adults. Through the use of visual and performing arts and movement techniques we help young people learn new skills for dealing with stress, trauma and fostering their voice.

Storytelling honors the ancestors, informs our present, and inspires our legacies. Because of this, We are excited to present a life affirming story from Master Storyteller Mother Zulu.

JOIN US THURSDAY, FEB 10, 12:00PM-1:00PM for a youth lead performance. The young artists of the Irreducible Grace Foundation (IGF) are sharing their reflections of "Black History for the Black Future".

Presented by Irreducible Grace Foundation (IGF) A non-profit focused on creating safe spaces with youth of color. IGF provides mentoring, life skills, employment, self-care practices, and safe space for teens and young adults. Through the use of visual and performing arts and movement techniques we help young people learn new skills for dealing with stress, trauma and fostering their voice.

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    about 3 years ago
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    We invite you to use this virtual space to continue the discussion. Please leave your feedback and insights on any of the prompts below.

    • What artistic expressions have you experienced that speaks to the future?

    • What does Black History for the Black Future mean to you?

    •  Reflect upon what you're learning this Black History Month. Then share what  your hopes for the future?

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Page last updated: 28 Feb 2022, 05:33 PM