West Side Bike Boulevards

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The City of Saint Paul wants to know what community members want bicycle boulevards to look like in the West Side neighborhood. Feedback from community members helps shape recommendations for the plan. Share your thoughts on the Map for Planned West Side Bicycle Boulevards.

What are bicycle boulevards?

Bicycle boulevards are streets for low motorized traffic volumes and speeds. These neighborhood greenways create a separate space for people to walk, bike or use a scooter or wheelchair. Markings on the pavement and other tools to slow traffic create a safe and convenient route.

  • Bicycle boulevards give travel priority to people traveling by bike, foot, or other mobility assist devices.

  • Traffic calming tools like traffic circles, chicanes, median islands, curb extensions, or bump-outs to create a safe and convenient route for people, especially at crossings of busy cross streets.

Learn more about what bicycle boulevards look like at the project webpage, stpaul.gov/WestSideBikes.

Traffic Diversion on existing bicycle boulevard at Charles Avenue

Making the West Side More Bike-Friendly

The Bike Plan map shows streets chosen as future bike boulevards in purple. City of Saint Paul needs your input to:

  • Choose locations on bike corridors that you consider inconvenient or unsafe for walking or biking.
  • Plan improvements that would improve safety and convenience for people to walk, bike, or use a scooter or wheelchair

Look for the future bike corridors in the City's Bike Planto see planned bicycle boulevards.

Purple corridors show planned bike boulevards on the map

The City of Saint Paul wants to know what community members want bicycle boulevards to look like in the West Side neighborhood. Feedback from community members helps shape recommendations for the plan. Share your thoughts on the Map for Planned West Side Bicycle Boulevards.

What are bicycle boulevards?

Bicycle boulevards are streets for low motorized traffic volumes and speeds. These neighborhood greenways create a separate space for people to walk, bike or use a scooter or wheelchair. Markings on the pavement and other tools to slow traffic create a safe and convenient route.

  • Bicycle boulevards give travel priority to people traveling by bike, foot, or other mobility assist devices.

  • Traffic calming tools like traffic circles, chicanes, median islands, curb extensions, or bump-outs to create a safe and convenient route for people, especially at crossings of busy cross streets.

Learn more about what bicycle boulevards look like at the project webpage, stpaul.gov/WestSideBikes.

Traffic Diversion on existing bicycle boulevard at Charles Avenue

Making the West Side More Bike-Friendly

The Bike Plan map shows streets chosen as future bike boulevards in purple. City of Saint Paul needs your input to:

  • Choose locations on bike corridors that you consider inconvenient or unsafe for walking or biking.
  • Plan improvements that would improve safety and convenience for people to walk, bike, or use a scooter or wheelchair

Look for the future bike corridors in the City's Bike Planto see planned bicycle boulevards.

Purple corridors show planned bike boulevards on the map

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Map for Planned West Side Bicycle Boulevards

2 days

We want to learn from you! 

How might we make walking, biking and rolling more accessible, enjoyable, and safe along future West Side bicycle boulevard corridors shown in purple?

Learn more about what bicycle boulevards look like at the project webpage, stpaul.gov/WestSideBikes.

Add a comment by clicking the '+' icon and dragging a pin to a location on the map

  • Difficult location (yellow pin): Where are current difficult intersections or crossing along purple lines ?
  • Idea (green pin): What types of improvements would you like to see for walking and biking along purple lines? 

Colors for Planned Bicycle Networks

Colored lines represent different spaces for biking called "bikeways" the City plans to build bikeways in the future. This plan is specifically looking at purple lines (), bicycle boulevards.

  • BLUE: Shared lanes are streets where people biking and driving share the street.
  • PURPLE: Bicycle boulevards are streets where people biking and driving share the street. The City might consider limiting driver access on these streets or adding physical elements to the street that would encourage slower driving and limit traffic.
  • RED: Striped bike lanes are where white lines striped on the pavement next to cars provide a separate "lane" for people biking. 
  • GREEN: Separated bikeways and paths are streets where the space for biking is physically separated from drivers using a curb, a boulevard, etc. 
Thank you for your Input! We have closed commenting on the interactive map but the map is still available for viewing all of the comments that we received. We will take the time to review each comment and later incorporate into the West Side Bicycle Boulevard Vision Plan. For more information, visit the project website at: www.stpaul.gov/WestSideBikes
Page last updated: 15 Oct 2024, 12:38 PM