Merriam Park Site Improvements

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The City of St. Paul needs your input in redesigning Merriam Park. Share your ideas and priorities to help shape the future of this community space. There will be multiple opportunities for engagement for staff to receive feedback.

Community Engagement Opportunities

The Design Advisory Committee (DAC) invites you to share your input and feedback for the park! Take the survey to share your priorities for improving the Merriam Park Site. Join us at the Peanut Butter & Jam event for free food and great company!

About the Merriam Park Site Improvement Project

Merriam Park, located at 2000 St. Anthony Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104, is a lively 10-acre park that serves the Union Park neighborhood. It has a recreation center and fun spaces for people of all ages.

With funding from the city's new Common Cent Sales Tax, the City of St. Paul Department of Parks and Recreation is planning to improve the park. These changes will help make Merriam Park even more welcoming and easy to use for everyone.

Planned Improvements

Court Upgrades

Improving the tennis & basketball courts to give a better experience for players of all skill levels.

Site Drainage

Adding sustainable ways to manage water and improve drainage in the park.

Accessibility Improvements

Making sure the park is easy for everyone to use by following ADA guidelines.

The City of St. Paul needs your input in redesigning Merriam Park. Share your ideas and priorities to help shape the future of this community space. There will be multiple opportunities for engagement for staff to receive feedback.

Community Engagement Opportunities

The Design Advisory Committee (DAC) invites you to share your input and feedback for the park! Take the survey to share your priorities for improving the Merriam Park Site. Join us at the Peanut Butter & Jam event for free food and great company!

About the Merriam Park Site Improvement Project

Merriam Park, located at 2000 St. Anthony Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104, is a lively 10-acre park that serves the Union Park neighborhood. It has a recreation center and fun spaces for people of all ages.

With funding from the city's new Common Cent Sales Tax, the City of St. Paul Department of Parks and Recreation is planning to improve the park. These changes will help make Merriam Park even more welcoming and easy to use for everyone.

Planned Improvements

Court Upgrades

Improving the tennis & basketball courts to give a better experience for players of all skill levels.

Site Drainage

Adding sustainable ways to manage water and improve drainage in the park.

Accessibility Improvements

Making sure the park is easy for everyone to use by following ADA guidelines.

  • Your Park Needs Your Input !

    Make your voice heard on improvements that you may want to see here at Merriam Park! Your feedback and participation will help guide the design process. These improvements aim to enrich the park’s facilities and ensure it remains a welcoming and accessible space for everyone. 

    Thank you for your participation!

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 25 Sep 2024, 12:40 PM