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(3) Do you compost? If so, what has been your biggest challenge and how have you addressed it?

Whether you drop it off or compost in your backyard, we all run into issues. Have you struggled with fruit flies in the kitchen where you collect it? Struggle with a stinky pile in the backyard? Share what has and has not worked for you and chime in if you have some advice you can offer!

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Share (3) Do you compost? If so, what has been your biggest challenge and how have you addressed it? on Facebook Share (3) Do you compost? If so, what has been your biggest challenge and how have you addressed it? on Twitter Share (3) Do you compost? If so, what has been your biggest challenge and how have you addressed it? on Linkedin Email (3) Do you compost? If so, what has been your biggest challenge and how have you addressed it? link
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