Finding Browns
Having trouble finding browns or running out of browns quickly?
Here are some back up items and tricks to having a constant pile of browns for your compost bin!
First off, what are browns? Browns are any dry, plant, or woody material, they are usually brown or will turn brown naturally. Not all browns are natural or nature based.
Here are examples of some common browns used for composting:
- Fall leaves
- Pine needles
- Straw or Hay
- Paper (newspaper, coffee filters, napkins)
- Lawn clippings (dried out)
Alternatives for natural brown materials:
- Cardboard (egg cartons)
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
Accidently recycle all your cardboard? Have no more leaves? Just used the last of your browns? Don't worry, you always have something laying around somewhere in your house. Here are some alternatives that you probably don't even know can be use in your compost bin:
- Dryer lint
- Coffee filters
- Junk mail
- Toilet paper rolls
- Paper (shredded)
See any that aren't on the list? Comment below or let us know in the forum.
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